Hazel Photographers is now offering Boudoir sessions. Come take an enticing look at our online gallery, where you will find that every session is photographed with a glamorous style and a feminine feel. Our goal is to make you look utterly ravishing.

You know you’re beautiful, indulge him with a gift or just spoil yourself.



Congratulations Jackie and Javier! This couple had a magnificent wedding at immaculate Conception Catholic, a beautiful church in the Miami district. Following was a gorgeous reception at The Douglas Entrance. Jackie and Javier, may you have eternal years of love and joy.

Jackie & Javier wedding





Michelle and Octavio, you looked absolutely gorgeous! I have few but meaningful words to describe this couple’s wedding. They are a perfect match. It was a spectacular event, created by love, and magic. Enjoy your honeymoon in FIJI. We cannot wait until your arrival to hear all about it.


Michelle and Octavio Wedding


wppi_2009What a great convention! Every year it gets better and better. We had a wonderful time at the MGM Grand. We met some amazing speakers! Saw a wonderful show of Cirque Du Soleil “KA”. Won some money! And spent endless hours with our closest friends and colleagues. I can’t believe it’s all over. 🙁 until next year March of 2010.

WPPI 2009


Jackie & Miguel I have to admit, you have been one of my best models ever. Jackie you couldn’t stop laughing. I love it! Miguel you were definitely a great sport. You both have some amazing images and I cannot wait until your wedding day.

Jackie & Miguel E-Session

S o c i a l   G a l l e r y
W e d d i n g   W i r e
F e a t u r e d   P o s t